The Breaking - By R.P. Serrin

The Breaking

In the stillness of the forest, the haunting sound of a woman’s wail pierced through the dense foliage, both terrifying and mournful. “What the fuck is that?” Ranjit asked, her heart racing. They cautiously moved toward the source, driven by a desperate need for help.

Suddenly, the figure emerged—a woman clad in a tattered white dress, her long dark hair hanging limp, eyes wide and unblinking. As she turned, her mouth opened impossibly wide, and the wailing crescendoed into a guttural howl that resonated through the trees.

Ranjit grabbed Karen’s hand, instinctively pulling her back, “Let’s just go.” But the woman raised her arm, pointing straight at them, a silent command that ignited their primal fear.

With adrenaline surging, they fled. The trees whispered behind them, shadows deepening, cloaked in a pale shimmer that flowed from the figure, wrapping around the air they left in turmoil. And yet, in the chaos of their escape, they stumbled upon something worse—a hulking creature, eyes glowing crimson, lurking in the darkness, ready to strike.